Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity often said that the Bible is the story of the evolution of consciousness. Within that grand saga lies a variety of sub-plots that act as windows into the soul of humankind. Metaphysical, the Seven Days of Creation, as described in the book of Genesis, lays out for us the creative process by which we as humans consciously bring forth the material world from the world of Spirit. This series offers an in-depth look at each of the seven days of creation, uncovering the deeper spiritual truths hidden within these ancient texts and supporting us in bringing heaven to earth in newly empowered ways.
“Let us honor the tiger and the lamb within each other, the lion and the deer. For are we not all things? Are we not human and angel, animal and spirit? And in being all things, all things are divine.”
~ Alana Fairchild
As we delve into Day 4 of our creation story, we are greeted with the emergence of the two great luminaries – the sun and the moon, both complimentary and differentiated in the gifts they offer. We are invited into a divine synergy, a dynamic oneness that honors both connection and diversity.
On our spiritual journeys, it is natural to seek out those who are like-minded, those who look like us, speak and think like us, but there is a compelling draw now to approach differing opinions and viewpoints with openness and curiosity and to allow Love to transform our own worldviews in the heat of this meeting.
Join us as we discover the potency of synergy together, as a dynamic evolutionary force that we have access to in every moment. Truly we are human and angel, animal and spirit, sun and moon, powerfully bringing forth expressions of love never seen before in the universe.
In a climate of great uncertainty, polarity of thinking and a crying out for healing on a global scale, our Sunday Experience offers the inspiring message that the fundamental nature of the Universe and all beings is Goodness and Love.
“Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe – the cause and effect of all Harmony”
~ Rumi
Our universal message honors the spiritual traditions while incorporating the teachings of leading age thinkers and philosophers.
You can join us via livestream on our YouTube Channel or Facebook Page.