“She spins, this great earth goddess, upon invisible strings amidst a wildly pulsating ballet of life. We dance in the realm of the impossible made possible constantly, you and I.”
~ Alana Fairchild
In today’s world, true abundance and prosperity can seem illusive. There may seem to be an abyss between our hopes and dreams and what is actually unfolding before us. But in a universe where love is foundational, we are invited into a new reality, where the invisible cosmos blends with the tangible strands of our daily lives, weaving a tapestry of sufficiency and wholeness.
In this summer series, we will immerse ourselves in ancient spiritual practices grounded in mystical wisdom. Together we will bridge the divine with the earthly in a dance as old as time itself, and discover the true nature of abundance, always longing to be made visible.
“Let me sit here on the threshold of two worlds. Lost in the eloquence of Silence.”
~ Rumi
Drawing inspiration from the Taizé community in France, renowned for its ecumenical spirit, a Taizé is a contemplative service designed to create a vibrational vortex through a recurring pattern of inspired readings, sacred music, and silent meditation. This Sunday, we will immerse ourselves in the realm of seamless abundance, integrating and centering ourselves in all that we have been exploring during this series.
Join us as we live inside of the very heart of divine alchemy, the sacred exchange of giving and receiving, the potency of the one power and the expansiveness of the many facets of abundance. Together we will trace the through from the unseen realm into the world of manifestation, discovering how the whole universe conspires to make abundance visible.
In a climate of great uncertainty, polarity of thinking and a crying out for healing on a global scale, our Sunday Experience offers the inspiring message that the fundamental nature of the Universe and all beings is Goodness and Love.
“Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe – the cause and effect of all Harmony”
~ Rumi
Our universal message honors the spiritual traditions while incorporating the teachings of leading age thinkers and philosophers.
You can join us via livestream on our YouTube Channel or Facebook Page.