The methodologies we use, at the human level, to navigate our lives can often be boiled down to how we negotiate power. When we equate individuation with separation, in order for one to win, another must lose. The spiritual journey turns this way of thinking on its head and we find that what is gentle can be strong and what is done in service to the many, feeds the one. In this six-week series, we will reexamine the meaning of truth and power, ultimately discovering love’s true weight in the world.
“One Individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life, will counterbalance the negativity of 750.000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.”
~Dr. Wayne Dyer
As Light workers, we become more and more aware of the potency of spiritual energy and live our lives more informed by our inner strength than our outer roles, job descriptions and titles.
As we develop spiritually, we create within, a kind of spiritual gravity, a vortex center from which we consciously draw forth the highest expression of love from others, a field capable of revealing what needs to be revealed and healing what needs to be healed far beyond our ability to intellectually understand.
Join us this Sunday as we hone this potency, becoming more and more effective vessels of Love.
In a climate of great uncertainty, polarity of thinking and a crying out for healing on a global scale, our Sunday Experience offers the inspiring message that the fundamental nature of the Universe and all beings is Goodness and Love.
“Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe – the cause and effect of all Harmony”
~ Rumi
Our universal message honors the spiritual traditions while incorporating the teachings of leading age thinkers and philosophers.
You can join us via livestream on our YouTube Channel or Facebook Page.