The awakening to our Christ identity can be seen as a kind of initiation, a deep transformational experience enhanced by intention and ritual. This Advent Season, we will embark on such a journey, incorporating the Burning Bowl, Communion, White Stone and Candle Lighting Ceremonies. Embraced in the potency of the season, we become the Christ, enfolding the world in love newly.
“My place is the placeless, my trace is the traceless, t’is neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved. I have put duality away. I have seen that the two worlds are one: One I see; One I know; One I call.”
The essence of being aware of Self is to be aware of Self in relationship to everything else – to sense the universe as alive and sentient – to sense how hearts are always speaking to hearts, whether human to human; human to animal; or human to earth. It is here that the soul can truly feel its worth and experience the essence of true communion.
Join us this Sunday for a special communion ceremony, as we abide in the awareness of the web love is weaving through all of our interactions. We belong to the soul of the Beloved, honoring the Christ presence within us as a sacred anointing and knowing the many as the One.
In a climate of great uncertainty, polarity of thinking and a crying out for healing on a global scale, our Sunday Experience offers the inspiring message that the fundamental nature of the Universe and all beings is Goodness and Love.
“Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe – the cause and effect of all Harmony”
~ Rumi
Our universal message honors the spiritual traditions while incorporating the teachings of leading age thinkers and philosophers.
You can join us via livestream on our YouTube Channel or Facebook Page.